Late summer’s the best, right? You’re absolutely knackered from the last few months but now school’s out and you have to do even more adventuring, beachgoing, and (usually) cleaning up — sure, it’s six weeks of mayhem but, if we’re honest, it’s also right good fun to spend time with family doing stuff that’s not “Netflix”.
We exist to make this mayhem & fun a lot less stressful because we’ve always taught our kids that it’s perfectly alright to make a mess if you clean it up, especially the milk, Nigel, you have to clean up the milk, there’s no use crying here, just clean it up please. Towels, of course, go a long way to teaching this lesson.
Think about it this way — what’s the most stressful thing about camping, about hiking, about going to the beach, about garden parties, water slides, tree climbing, mortgage repayments, kayaking?
The answer we usually get is dealing with bloody sand, with muck, with heavy, sodden (sodding) towels – oh, and the nippy cold when you get out of the sea at this time of year.
Adventuring’s fun, but it’s no fun when it’s no fun, right? 🤷
So here’s how you can make the most of our practical towels.
Carry on Camping
We’re all for being brave, but the third day of camping is usually the one where you really want to shower – like, I-hope-the-folks-in-the-town-over-can’t-smell-me level of wanting to shower. But it’s a waste to bring your fancy, plush bath towels to get ruined on a campsite – not least because they’re so damned bulky!
Our range of microfibre towels are super lightweight, pack tiny, and dry faster than you can have a cup of tea. They weigh just 420g in their bag, which is about the same weight as half a loaf of Hovis – and we all know that bread’s not a great after-shower solution.
At this point, you may as well shower every camping day because you no longer have to worry about leaving your towel to dry for another century.
Carry on Hiking
The low weight and tiny packing of practically all of our towels makes them perfect for hiking, where you’ll want weight & bulk at a minimum.
Each of the towels in our range of plain towels, for example, weighs just 180g and packs down to the size of a drink can! Compare this to your average domestic towel and you’ll appreciate the lack of baggage when you’re 10 miles in!
If you get caught short in excessive heat on an open trail, they can also double up as a sun breaker – we’re all about multifunction practicality.
Carry on Beaching

Microfibre has a great quality of drying you off without picking up things like sand. They actually work through some fancy science called the “Van der Waals force”: the static created between the micro fibres attracts water (because water is quite easy to absorb) but isn’t strong enough to attract sand and larger particles.
In fact, they’re so good at absorbing water and avoiding sand that we go as far as to say they repel sand. Sand tends to be a problem in long-pile fabrics like bath towels, but because these are microfibre, there’s barely anywhere for the sand to get stuck!
The non-science-please-I’m-just-a-parent-here result is that you can dry yourself off at the beach without getting covered literally everywhere in sand. This means you can dry faster and get to brushing off all the sand on the way to the chip shop. It revolutionised our beach days when we first discovered microfibre!
Carry on Looking Good
And, of course, what’s the point in doing all this fun, practical activity if you don’t look good while doing it? Why else do we sign up for 30 mile hikes if not to look our Gucciest?
Our towels all have bold, distinctive designs that make them easy to spot. An upside here is that each member of your family can have a different, clear design – which stops the dreaded towel confusion and means everyone can be responsible for their own.
Browse Our Range
We don’t only have towels, but poncho towels (perfect for beaching) and hair wraps for managing your luscious locks.

If you have any questions, we’re always on hand to help!